The project titled ''Universal communication and control system for industrial plants'' (KK. is a scientific research project carried out by FER together with its project partner Brodotehna Ltd. The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
Program: Operational programme competitiveness and cohesion 2014 - 2020
Duration: 12/31/2020 - 12/31/2023
Total project value: 7,959,826.83 HRK
EU co-financing of the project: 6,295,049.28 HRK
Project Overview
The aim of the project is to develop an application that integrates communication and control modules in order to increase the efficiency of different types of industrial production plants with an emphasis on power plants. The application's communication module stores a plant's data in a central database. The data is used to optimize the operation of an individual process using optimization algorithms integrated into the application. The advantage of this application over currently used applications is its universality because it will enable communication with all industrial protocols. The application includes the abilites to: efficiently collect plant data, conduct complex data analyzes, allow other systems to access the collected data, and make management decisions.
Link to the official Facebook page of the project:
For more information on EU funds please visit the fund's official webpage or the web pages of the program under which the project is cofinanced
Contact person:
Project leader - Hrvoje Pandžić, PhD (